Go Dharmic oxygen appeal for India

Like so many other people the Directors of Chigwell Group were shocked by the images we have all been seeing in the news about the increasing number of COVID related deaths and new daily infections affecting people in India.

So when we heard about an organisation called “Go Dharmic” which exists to help make a more compassionate, non-violent world, and the work they are doing in India we decided to get involved.

Go Dharmic is currently running an appeal to raise much needed money to get oxygen, urgent supplies and additional temporary hospital capacity to the places that need it most in India and we were delighted to donate £5000 to that appeal.

The money being raised is being put towards building a temporary hospital with 30 beds with oxygen cylinders and 6 ventilators in Delhi; while in Kolkata they have been building hospital capacity which will give 100 new beds and 100 cylinders of Oxygen.

Dean Floyd, Chairman of Chigwell Group says. “Some of our directors and staff have family and friends in some of the worst hit areas and we felt we had to do something to help. We were really impressed by the work that Go Dharmic are doing and we’re delighted to be in a position to contribute something to their fund to help the people of India in these particularly difficult times.”

godharmic.com campaigns give-oxygen-india

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