Helping Havering Residents in need at Christmas time

Dear Melissa and everyone at Chigwell Group

We cannot thank you enough for the support you have given with the hampers, warm clothing and delivering to the hostels and residents.

Just to let you know that our door has been red hot since you left, we have given away about 20 more coats. The word certainly has got out that warm clothing is here. Some have taken extra socks and hats but mainly it’s the coats and cannot thank us all enough.

We are keeping a tally and will let you know how it’s going.

Some of the people who received a hamper have called us too, in tears of joy and cannot believe that such wonderful people like you are about to offer them a lifeline.

Thank you so much and I have enjoyed working with you and hopefully next year we can continue on. Have a very joyful, peaceful Christmas with your loved ones and hoping 2021 is so much better for us all.

Best regards
Shelley Hart, Chief Executive Officer
Havering Volunteer Centre
Community Reach House
32 – 34 The High Street
Romford RM1 1HR

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