Wenlock Barn TMO letter of thanks from Kingley Akano

Letter of thanks from Kingley Akano, Chair of Wenlock Barn TMO. “I write to express our immense gratitude and appreciations for your kindest gesture of offering our residents particularly those vulnerable and over 70s, quality food parcels.

The impact of your benevolence has touched everyone and the feedback has been absolutely tremendous from residents of our two estates; Wenlock Barn and Windsor Terrace.

As the Chair of the TMO, I am personally impressed by your spontaneous and timely assistance in time of need and commitment to support the local community. This is certainly also a fantastic expression of our cordial partnership.”

David Nkrumah-Buansi, Head of Services, also wrote to us…

Dear Dean,

Thank you so much for taking the time to be on our estate to support your team and us in this amazing gesture of generosity your afforded our residents. As you know the feedback was tremendous and residents continue to show their appreciation. I attach a letter from our Chair Kingsley Akano which expresses his gratitude and those of the board.

It was really fantastic to meet you all.”

Regards, David Nkrumah-Buansi

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